Carolyn Swen
Experience / education: 15 years of experience across sectors: international NGO, non-profit, government, and academia. 4 years with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Inspector General evaluating and providing feedback on the efficiency and effectiveness of federal programs and state implementation. Field experience with The International Rescue Committee in Tanzania and Burundi, evaluating refugee repatriation processes and supporting refugee camp operations. PhD Candidate (ABD) in Human Development and Social Policy at Northwestern University (dissertation on adult career identity: how adults find and make meaning in work). Masters in International Relations and Public Policy from the University of Chicago. AB in Politics from Princeton University.
Skills: Research, qualitative analysis, surveys, interviews, focus groups, program evaluation, project management, team/communication facilitation, communications, writing. Identifying underlying problems and best solutions.
How I find Equilibrium: Hiking and walking, hanging with family- including being a good twin mom and a good cat mom, keeping engaged in current events, keeping in touch with friends, mining and savoring the good parts of everything.
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